Error List

Please contact customer service (+41 43 299 5588)! susp5340 (e0323)

Warning List

You have reached the maximum number of open sessions. Starting new sessions without first logging out will lead to the deletion of the session longest idle. (w0031)

Background: Legally binding electronic communication .

Search eGov authorities (Beta):
(Use "?" for an arbitrary character; use "*" for any number of arbitrary characters!)

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Hint - Enter search text or word "" for St.Gallen, "" for Ticino, "", etc.
Or "miet tg" to find all authorities related to "Miete" and "Thurgau".

In collaboration with .

Please contact us if an authority is not yet listed/incorrect or a canton has updated its list on .
Only mail to these authorities via Swiss-accredited, confidential platforms .
See also:

Canton: AG, AI, AR, BE, BL, BS, FR, GE, GL, GR, LU, JU, NE, NW, OW, SG, SH, SO, SZ, TG, TI, UR, VD, VS, ZG, ZH

See Legend (in a new Window with full List)

A free service by PrivaSphere to foster electronic secure and reliable exchanges with authorities in Switzerland - use at your own risk.
See also:

Developed + powered by PrivaSphere (in a new Window)